+++ Registered User at DB0ZAV Login with your Call and Password do not forget to set "ECHO" on at your Terminal Prg. and make sure your Terminal Prg. doesn't send any wrong character use "BACKSPACE" to delete a wrong character and retype your Password again +++ After successful Login to DB0ZAV +++ Follow this steps to connect to the WorlWide Packet Network +++ 1. type G (enter) +++ 2. type 3 (enter) +++ 3. type C DB0HRF (enter) +++ 4. type C LX0IST or D for Destination select a Call from list and type C call-n LX0IST +++ Make sure you also add the SID -n of the Call you would like to connect +++

DB0ZAV BBS and GateWay Karben JO40jf QRV on UHF 438.450 MHz & HF

TelNet RADIO GateWay DB0ZAV (click here)

DB0ZAV Telnet Gateway (click here)

Radio GateWay how to use ONLY for registered Radio Amateur's for registration send Email to:



You may connect via DB0ZAV BBS Telnet Gate to the Worldwide Radio Packet Net by typing in DB0ZAV BBS:

Step 1: G
Step 2: 3
Step 3: C DB0HRF
Step 4: C LX0IST or D

Via this GateWay you are able to connect to the World wide Packet Radio Net Telnet "HyperTerminal" perhaps will not work properly follow
the instruction below enjoy the System.

Settings for HyperTerm under Menu "Files" " Properties" "Setting"

Emulation = VT100
ASCII Setup = ASCII sending = click "Send line ends etc..." and click "ECHO type Char. etc"